Let us sell your animals!
Sales every Thursday
We sell all classes and types of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and horses. If you have any questions, please call Roy at (970) 250-2086.
We are a family operation that works hard to market YOUR livestock. That means the consignor will always be first with the market orders and the buyer orders -which means more money in your pocket at the end of the day. 99% of our runs are livestock fresh from the ranch to the buyers.
Livestock Sale every Thursday
Butcher Cows and Bulls 10am
Sheep & Goats 11am
Pigs, Bred Cows
& Feeder Cattle follow Approx 10:30
Special Saturday Calf sales @ 11:00
in the fall as needed.
Horse Sales are the first Saturday of every other month. Sales will be
held February, April, June, August, October, and December. Tack
begins at 10 am followed by the horses @ 1pm.
​As you market your livestock, take a minute to compare us to other auction markets. We think you will find our rates and prices more than competitive. Our commission is a straight 2 3/4% on cattle, no matter the weight of the animals, and the feed is charged on a per head/per day basis. Yardage is a one-time charge, not per head/per day.